The tools we need are matplotlib and pandas
Step 1, is to create a pandas dataframe from an AutoCAD table, the structure is a dictionary {header : [data array]}. We’ll need to create a map (dictionary) of our headers so we can access them later. Next, iterate the data cells and put them in the appropriate bucket
Step 2, setup our plot configuration, setup our colors. Note, we need to make sure the column we want to plot is the correct data type, if you’ll notice the astype cast. Run the plot
Optional step 3, insert the result as a raster image
here's the code
import PyRx as Rx
import PyGe as Ge
import PyGi as Gi
import PyDb as Db
import PyAp as Ap
import PyEd as Ed
import traceback
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import savefig
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# create a dict to hold the headers
# create a dataframe {header : [data]}
def createDataFromTable(id : Db.ObjectId):
data = {}
header = {}
table = Db.Table(id)
# save header row so we can lookup the header name while looping the rows
range = table.cellRange()
range.topRow = 1
range.bottomRow = 1
for cell in table.getIterator(range):
key = table.textStringFmt(cell, Db.FormatOption.kIgnoreMtextFormat)
header[cell[1]] = key
data[key] = []
# iterate data rows, an put the data in our data map
range = table.cellRange()
range.topRow = 2
for cell in table.getIterator(range):
key = header[cell[1]]
value = table.textStringFmt(cell, Db.FormatOption.kIgnoreMtextFormat)
return pd.DataFrame(data)
def PyRxCmd_doit():
es = Ed.Editor.entSel("\nSelect a table: ", Db.Table.desc())
if es[0] != Ed.PromptStatus.eNormal:
params = {
"text.color": "crimson",
"xtick.color": "crimson",
"ytick.color": "crimson",
"axes.edgecolor": "crimson",
"axes.labelcolor": "crimson",
"figure.facecolor": "crimson"}
plt.title("Cost per item")
df = createDataFromTable(es[1])
savefig("demo.png", transparent=True)
plt.clf()# clear
#todo insert as image
except Exception as err:
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